Sunday, August 30, 2009

Belly Shots

People keep asking me to post belly shots, so I finally decided to cave :) Here are some pictures of me when we found out we were expecting (4 weeks) and this weekend (11 1/2 weeks).

4 weeks pregnant: (sorry it's blurry, I was taking a picture in the mirror)
And now.... 11 1/2 weeks

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Went to Doctor

Tom and I went back to the doctor today. We thought they were doing the test today for Down Syndrome, where you get a sonogram and blood test. However, when they switched my due date they didn't change the appointment. I have to go back next week. I just had my monthly check-up instead. We got to hear the baby's heart again. It was funny because when she first started listening she said, "Do you hear it, there are two." Tom and I were both like WHAT!? Then she explained she meant mine and the baby's, haha! The baby's heart was beating 158, which she said is right on track. Yeah!

I can't wait until Wednesday to see the baby again. Last time that I saw the baby, it was only 7 weeks old. Next week it will be 12 weeks, so I'm excited to see how much it has grown.

Stay posted for pictures on Wednesday :)

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Back to Work

I went back to work on Monday. It's been so nice seeing everyone and catching up. My room is ready for the kiddos and I can't wait until next Tuesday. I am tired of all the meetings and just wish we could get back into the swing of things. I have been SO tired after work. I never realized how tired being pregnant makes you (I guess it's different when you are off all summer, haha). I have been going to bed by 8 o' clock each night. We go to the doctor next Friday, and I can't wait to see how the baby has grown. I can tell that I'm pregnant in all my clothes, but everyone else says they can't (but I think they are trying not to make me get hormonal, haha). Thank goodness tomorrow is Friday! :) I am almost done with my first trimester. I'm 10 1/2 weeks.

Friday, August 14, 2009

End of Summer

Today is my last day of summer vacation. I also starting thinking this is my last summer where I can be a bum if I want, haha. Next summer, I'll be a busy mom! I am very excited about going back to work. I get bored after a while and miss my job. I have been working in my room this week, and feel ready to start on Monday. The kids don't start until the 25th, so there is plenty of time to get my room done and everything ready.

I have been doing great lately. I haven't been sick at all (*knock on wood*). I am realizing that I have to eat a lot more often than I'm used to eating. Also, my taste buds are going crazy lately. I will eat something and love it, and the very next day it is disgusting. It's so weird. Does this happen the entire nine months? After working in my room all week, I am realizing that I get tired a lot easier than before. Also, getting dressed is a little bit of a stress these days. All of my clothes still fit, thank goodness...but I just feel gross in anything that I put on. Poor Tom...haha!

We go back to the doctor on Friday, August 28th, and we get to see the baby again. I'll post new pictures then. :)

Monday, August 3, 2009

So Exciting!

Today we went back to the doctor for our first sonogram. It was so exciting! We got to hear the baby's heartbeat, which was very strong. We also got to see the baby. It made it so real. I can't even describe how neat it was. They also decided to change my due date from March 3rd to March 16th, because of the measurements. So instead of being ten weeks, I'm only eight. I am very excited with the new due date because it will get me through FCAT with the kiddos at school, which will make me feel so much better. We are hoping for a St. Patty's baby! Here are our pictures of baby Devine: