Saturday, September 26, 2009

Belly Shot--almost 16 weeks

Here are some new pictures of my growing belly. I am 15 weeks and 5 days today. I couldn't fit in my jeans a few weeks ago, and now my work pants are getting tight. Thank goodness for Old Navy Maternity. They make jeans/pants that comes in short length and also just have a stretchy waist instead of the huge belly part. On Tuesday, I'll be 4 months. It's crazy how fast time flies by!

Thursday, September 24, 2009

September Doctor's Appointment

Today I had my monthly doctor's appointment (15 weeks). The baby's heart beat was at 140, which is perfect. The monthly appointments are so quick. I met with a new doctor today. I have to rotate through all of them because whoever is on call will deliver my baby. I really liked the doctor I saw today. Everything is going great, so I was only in there about ten minutes. We talked about the flu and how they are giving kids at school the flu mist, which contains the live virus. She said that I can't go to school that day, and even wrote me a note. Our school hasn't picked the day yet, but it will be nice to have a day off. The only bad thing is I am trying to save all my sick hours for when the baby is born, but this is worth one day. Next appointment is at 19 weeks, and then is when they do the in depth ultrasound (usually when you find out the gender). We can't wait to see our little girl again.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Kitchen Project Completed!

Let me start off by saying...I finally found my camera. For those of you who didn't hear the story...I lost my camera about a week ago. I searched my entire classroom and house. I couldn't remember the last time I had it or where I put it. I didn't even know if I brought it to school, but checked there just in case. On Friday, I was getting ready for school and went to grab my star necklace out of my jewelry box, and guess what was in there? You got camera! I was so happy that I found it, but also mad that it was there the whole time. I spent numerous hours searching for that camera. I heard that during pregnancy you forget things easily, so I guess this is only the beginning. But I am happy to bring you pictures of our new kitchen, and I am going to make Tom put the camera away from now on :)

We painted the entire kitchen yesterday a "Sauteed Mushroom" color. It is really pretty and looks like a cappuccino color. Tom added back splash a few weeks ago and the paint really brings out the colors. We have a whole list of house projects to be completed before the baby comes in March, and we're excited that we can cross this one off the list. Here are some pictures of our kitchen, oh...and one of Riley--just because he was looking so cute today.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

It's Officially a....GIRL! Baby Pictures #3

Today we went back to the doctor and found out that we are definitely having.... a GIRL!! See the pictures below. Everything looks great and our baby girl is looking healthy :)

If you double-click on the pictures, they get bigger.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Riley's New Obsession

Riley LOVES to go outside in the backyard and chase lizards. He hasn't caught one yet, but he sure tries. As soon as we open the back door, he jets out straight to the AC unit. He runs circles around it and chases the lizards. The lizards are pretty good at hiding from him. It's so cute to watch him. If he can't catch them, he starts growling and barking at them. The lizards don't seem scared. He won't even stop to come inside unless we pick him up and bring him inside, haha.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Baby Pictures #2

You can double-click the picture to make it bigger. We went back to the doctor today and got to see the baby again. The baby was moving around like crazy! We saw it flip completely over. It also had hiccups and it's mouth kept opening. So cute! She told us that everything is measuring normal and it looks very healthy. The heartbeat was a little slower (150). We asked her if she could tell the gender. She zoomed in and said it looked like she saw girl parts. She said don't go paint the nursery, but in her opinion...we are having a GIRL! :) We will wait until we are sure to confirm it. The baby is 12 weeks and 1 day here.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Boy or Girl??

I think it's funny how everyone has their opinion on the sex of the baby. Tom and I looked at the Chinese Calendar online, which is supposed to be 99% says...BOY!

Today at work, one of the ladies that I work with did the cross test. I think that it's a Greek tradition. She held a cross over my belly. If it swings circular then it's a girl and if it swings back and forth it's a boy. Well, she found out that I am going to have two kids. She said I am going to have a GIRL and then a BOY next time.

So what will it be?!? We'll have to wait until we see in a sonogram. I have a sonogram tomorrow (12 weeks), 14 weeks, 16 weeks, and 18 weeks (every 2 weeks from now on). So hopefully we'll be able to see in one of these. I'll keep you posted! :)