Happy New Year! I am so excited about 2010! Tom and I are both getting anxious to meet our little girl. We still have 10 1/2 weeks (give or take a few days). She is really starting to move all the time and it feels so neat. I can't really explain it, but she changes positions a lot and it is as if my whole stomach twists. Tom felt her move the other night for about 20 minutes straight.
Tomorrow (1/2) we are getting our 4D Ultrasound. We can't wait to see her. The last time we got an ultrasound was at 20 weeks. I know that she has grown so much since then. I can also tell because my stomach is getting bigger everyday. It's funny as the day progresses the shape of my stomach changes.
Her room is ready to go. We just have a few little details to add. I washed all of her clothes and Tom built the closet organizer last weekend. Once it is completely finished, I'll post new pictures.
After the ultrasound tomorrow, I'll post new pictures...so stay tuned.
I hope that everyone had fun ringing in the New Year and I want to wish you and your family an awesome 2010!