Saturday, February 27, 2010

Doctor's Appointment

Yesterday at my 37 1/2 week check-up I was a little over 1 cm dilated and still 60% effaced. My belly is measuring 35 cm now, so she decided this was her week to "pop out." Last week they were concerned because my belly was only measuring 32 cm, and in the last week it grew 3 cm. The doctor told me he'd see me Tuesday unless I go into labor. I was like wait...what? He said you never know, lol. Also, tomorrow is a full we'll see. I am still hoping she holds out until March 10th, so I don't have to go back to work before summer. Also, I really would like to be there when my kids take the FCAT, but it's all up to Emma. My next appointment is Tuesday, so I'll keep you updated :)

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Check-up Today

Today we had to go in for an ultra-sound because my belly was measuring too small. They were worried that she wasn't growing or that there wasn't enough fluid around her. We are pleased to announce that baby Emma is perfect! She is currently weighing 6 pounds and 4 ounces. They looked at each of her organs and said that everything is measuring and working correctly. You could even see her using her lungs in the womb. The fluid levels were right where they should be for 36 weeks. Her heartbeat was a strong 132. She was opening and closing her eyes, which was so neat. She is in head-down position and ready to go (but hopefully not for 3 weeks). I always feel something up by my ribs, so I asked and found out it's her little butt. It keeps pushing across my stomach. Everything was measuring correctly for 36 weeks, but my belly. (Which is OK with me!). What a relief it is to know that things are going great! :) Next time we see her, it will be in the hospital room!! :)

Here is our little girl at 36 weeks in the womb:

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

36 weeks...9 MONTHS!

I can't believe that I am already 9 months pregnant. It really has flown by! Here is my "Ever-growing" belly...

Yesterday, I had my 36 week check-up. The doctor said that Emma is in the correct position (down) but her head is still a little high. He said that I am 1/2 cm dilated and 60% effaced. He measured my belly. Each week, your measurement should match your weeks pregnant. I am 36 weeks and only measured 32cm, so just to be safe he wants me to come in on Thursday to do an ultra-sound to make sure she is growing OK and still has enough amniotic fluid. He said 99% of the time measuring small means nothing, but he just wants to make sure. If for some reason she isn't receiving enough nutrients or there isn't enough fluid, he would go ahead and induce me. However, I'm sure it's just the way I'm carrying, and from what I hear it's quite common to measure off one way or another. It's exciting that we get to see her one more time before she makes her appearance. Her heartbeat was nice and strong and she is moving like crazy. I'll let you know how Thursday goes :) I go to the doctor weekly now to check my progress.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Ready for Baseball Season...

It's almost that season! Tom and I can't wait for baseball season to's our favorite time of the year! Our first date was actually to a baseball game years ago. Since we will have a new addition this year, we had to make sure that Emma had the right accessories for baseball season since she'll be making her grand appearance around spring training. We got her a Rays hat, Longoria T-shirt, Ray's #1 fan T-shirt, and pink Rays sweatshirt. We can't wait until she is a little older and she can experience her first game at the Trop. Until then, she'll be decked out in her Ray's gear to watch the games at home with mommy and daddy. :)

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Surprise Baby Shower at School

Today my room mom and a few other parents organized a "surprise" baby shower at school. My kids were so excited to be involved. They had great games for the kids to play. They estimated how many M&Ms and Skittles were in various bottles, played a memory game of baby items, Guessing Game (where they had to guess what baby picture went with which student), and many others. It was so fun and my kids really enjoyed it. I was definitely surprised! My kids were laughing all the way back from P.E. and I couldn't figure out why until we got the room and it was all decorated with baby stuff. My room mom made me a book a on Shutterfly that is called "Our Advice to You Baby Devine." In the book, each kid told why they think I'd be a good mommy and gave a piece of advice to baby Devine. It is absolutely adorable! It is something I can always treasure and I'm sure Emma will love it! Another mom made me a diaper cake. Some of the students brought in individual gifts too. It was a fabulous day and I'm so thankful for such great students and parents! :) Here is a picture of the book, diaper cake, and a blanket that my room mom made me :).