Monday, March 22, 2010

Play Room

We decided to make a play room to hold all of Emma's stuff (swing, bouncer, etc.) We changed our computer room/Riley's room (poor guy) into a play room. We got the idea from our good friends Kristan and Stephen's play room.
We painted walls green, ceiling blue, and eventually plan to paint clouds on ceiling. We got the sun light, leaves, and flower lights from IKEA. Tom left a spot on the wall for a TV (which we won't need in there for a while, lol). At Walmart, we found animal decals. They were only $10 for the whole pack.
We finished the play room Saturday night, and I went into labor a few hours after. I guess she figured since it was done she could make her appearance. :)

Riley's reaction to Emma

I know a few of you have asked me, so I decided to make a post. Riley has really done a fantastic job adjusting to his new little sister. He is very protective of her. When ever she cries he looks at us, like help her! He has to be in what ever room Emma is in. He will come sit next to me on the couch when I'm holding her or feeding her. He has really calmed down. It's funny it's like he knows that he has to be careful around her. He'll come up and give her kisses on the cheek.

The only bad thing is he wouldn't eat or play. It was making me very sad and he even threw up in her new playroom. Finally, last night he ate his food and played with his toy. I think he has finally realized she isn't going anywhere and has started to adjust to our new life.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Monthly Pictures

Thanks to my cousin, Laura, we bought these neat monthly stickers. It will be fun to keep track of her monthly growth. Every month you attach the sticker to her onezie and they are decorated for each month. Here is her "zero" picture. We decided to put sock monkey in the picture each month, so that you could see her growth. She is 5 days old here.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

1st Doctor's Appointment

Today we had Emma's first doctor's appointment. We really like her pediatrician. He is older, but very knowledgeable. When she was born she weighed 7 pounds and 7 ounces. When we checked out of the hospital she was 7 pounds and 1 ounce. It is normal for them to lose weight at first. Today at her appointment she was 7 pounds and 6 1/2 ounces. The doctor was very impressed with her. He said that it usually takes up to two weeks to get back to their birth weight. She's doing a great job of feeding! When she born, they measured her as 21 inches. Today she measured 19 1/2 inches. They said that it's not always accurate when they measure in the birthing room because it's hard to hold them still. Also, she doesn't have the cone head that she had at birth.

He said everything looks perfect on her. We go back in two weeks for our next appointment. The doctor answered lots of questions that we had, so we were very happy with the appointment.

Emma's 1st sponge bath

Today we gave Emma her first sponge bath. We aren't allowed to give her a real bath until her cord falls off. She HATES being naked. When I am changing her that is the only time she really cries. We knew she wouldn't be too happy, but with all that hair we had to wash it. Here are some pictures:

Emma's Here!!!

I'm sure by now everyone has heard that Emma was born on Sunday, the 14th. I woke up about 2 a.m. and noticed that my water was leaking. It didn't officially break, but broke in bits. Then I started having contractions that were 7 minutes apart for the first hour and then 5 minutes about for the 2nd hour. We called my doctor who told us to come to the hospital. I got to the hospital about 5:50 a.m. and got checked out by the nurse in triage. By this time, my contractions were coming 3 minutes apart and registering 60-80% on the monitor. Most of my contractions were in my lower back. They decided to admit me as soon as she was done examining me. I was still 3 cm dilated at this point (same since my last appt on Tuesday). I got up to the room and the contractions continued to get stronger. By about 11, I was ready for my epidural. The contractions were coming quick. I dilated from a 3-7 from 7 a.m. until 11 a.m. They were shocked at how fast things were happening. Once I reached an 8 though, I stayed that way for 2 1/2 hours. We had a few scares in the hospital room. One time Emma's heartbeat started dropping with the contractions, which was very scary because we already knew the cord was around her neck. However the nurses turned me and her heartbeat went back to normal. However, that was the end of Tom and I trying to relax. We watched that monitor like hawks. Then my blood pressure got very low and I felt really hot and dizzy. The nurses had to give me a bag of fluids. I hadn't eaten since dinner the night before or drank anything. My doctor decided that I needed some pitocin to get me to a 10. She gave me 2 drops, which quickly got me to a ten. I pushed for 50 minutes. Emma was born with the cord around her neck, but it didn't cause any problems--thank goodness. What a long last 10 weeks it's been since the 4-D ultrasound lady told us that. She was born with no problems, thank goodness. She is absolutely adorable! She got a 9 on her first exam (out of 10). She was 7 pounds and 7 ounces. She measured 19 1/2 inches. She has so much hair and the cutest chubby cheeks.

It was a fantastic experience and not at all as bad as I thought it would be :)

Here she is right after being born.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Induction Date

Today my doctor's office called me to say they have me scheduled for an induction on March 19th. I am still hoping she comes before that, but it's crazy that by that date she'll be here for sure! :) (Only 2 weeks away).

Riley turns 4!!!

Today is Riley's 4th birthday! I can't believe that we've already had him for 4 years...time flies! He has soooo many toys that we decided not to buy anymore for his birthday. Instead I made him a nice dinner (ground turkey and rice) and bought him some doggie ice-cream. I also let him go out and chase lizards (his favorite activity) for a while in the backyard. Here are some pictures of our little guy's birthday:

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

38 weeks!

Today I am 38 weeks pregnant. I went to my weekly check-up today, but there isn't any news to report. I am still a little over 1 cm and 60% dilated. We'll see what happens... :)

He said that there is no way to predict when she'll come. I have to schedule an induction date for the week after I'm due in case she wants to stay in that long.

I haven't really felt any contractions, not even the fake ones (that I know of). I have had a few cramps, but nothing major.