Wednesday, April 21, 2010

One Month Check-Up

Today we took Emma to her one month check-up (even though she is a little over 5 weeks). She got her 2nd Hepatitis B shot. She did so good with it. She only cried for a minute or two. She now weighs 10 pounds, 10 ounces and is 22 3/4 inches long. She is doing great! We go back at 2 months for more shots :(

First Smile

The last couple of days, it has looked like Emma was starting to smile. Yesterday when I was talking to her, she definitely smiled so I grabbed my phone and took this picture.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Emma's 1st Bath!!

Emma finally lost her umbilical cord--it only took 5 weeks--LOL! We were very excited because we could finally give her a real bath, rather than a sponge bath. She did really well with it. I think she liked sitting in the warm water. She cried a little when she got out because she was cold. We put her in a bathrobe and bunny slippers and she seemed content. Here are some pictures of her first bath:

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Emma is 1 month old!

I can't believe it's already been one month since our little angel was born. It is going by so quickly. She is so much more alert every day. Here is a picture of her when she was 3 days old and one of her now, at one month. She is now focusing more with her eyes, making little sounds, and staying awake much more.

Baseball Girl

Emma and Daddy got to watch the Rays Opening Day game together. Tom and I are both HUGE baseball fans (that's actually where our first date was to--a Braves spring training game). Emma has lots of Rays gear, but we dressed in her in Longoria shirt, and he even hit a homerun that night. I'm happy to say--the Rays won! We can't wait to take her to the Trop to watch a game.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Better late than never :)

I know that St. Patrick's Day was a while ago, but I just realized I never posted pictures of Emma. Since my family is Irish, I had to make sure Emma had her outfit for that day. She was only 3 days old, but looked absolutely adorable in her outfit.

Doctor's Appointment

We had to take Emma to the doctor yesterday because she's been having some tummy issues. Poor thing! After she eats, her belly makes all kinds of noises. She's been spitting up and really irritable after eating too. The doctor thinks she has acid reflux, so we put her on some medicine that will hopefully make her feel better. Last night it seemed to already start making her feel better. Our little angel weighed 9 pounds 2 oz yesterday. She is growing so quickly! She will be one month old next's crazy how fast time is flying!

Emma's First Easter

We had a great day on Sunday for Easter. The Easter Bunny came and left a basket at our house for her. It had a white fluffy bunny, book, and a little onesie that said "My dad thinks I'm a pretty cool chick." We had bought her an Easter shirt and pants that said "Baby's 1st Easter", but it was too big and too hot for Sunday. Tom bought her a beautiful dress before she was born and we decided to make that her Easter dress. We went over to Tom's parents for Easter dinner and there was an Easter basket for Emma there too :) What a lucky little girl.