Emma is three months old! I can't believe how fast time is going by! She has grown so much in the last three months. She is so alert these days. On her activity gym, she bats at the toys and also can grab onto them. If we give her keys or rattles she can pick them up from the blanket and hold them in her hands. When laying down on her pillow, she now picks her neck up like she wants to sit up. She is getting so good with her neck control. When doing tummy time, she can pick her neck all the way up and look at us. She isn't a huge fan of tummy time, but does a good job. She makes crawling motions on the play mat. She is really smiling. She smiles now when she sees Tom or myself. She is starting to talk a lot. We have heard "laugh" noises, but just not sure if it's a real laugh or not. She is getting very good at communicating with us. We know what she likes and what she doesn't like. I think that rolling over isn't too far in the distance. When she is laying on her back, she can roll to her side. Once, she rolled to her tummy but couldn't figure out how to go all the way. Her arm was in the way. She is so much fun these days. I love being home with her and experiencing how fast she is growing. We don't go back to the doctor until 4 months, but we tried to measure her at home. We are thinking she is 14.8 pounds and 26 inches.