Tuesday, December 15, 2009

What a day...

Today I am officially 27 weeks pregnant! I can't believe how quickly it is going by! Next week I will be 7 months and begin my 3rd, and final, trimester. Craziness!!

I read this book to my kids at school called "Alexander and His Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day." I love the book and I use it to show them that just because you have a bad day doesn't mean you can't turn it around and have a great day the following day. Well, today I am taking my own advice. It has been one of those days. I woke up this morning and everything that I put on just made me look gross. After I changed outfits about 10 times, I finally decided just to get dressed and go. (I guess this is one of the benefits of getting to school an hour early every day, I have time for days like this). My day at school wasn't terrible. I love my kids and teaching. It's just that the children are very excited about the upcoming holidays, which makes them very chatty and hyper. Then on my way home, this lady pulled up next to me to inform me that my back tire was flat. I pulled over and it was indeed very flat. I called Tom who came to my rescue, but I had to wait for him to get there (and for a pregnant woman who had to pee, that thirty minutes seemed like forever, haha). Thank goodness I have a husband who would drop everything to come help!

I got home and had another mean parent email. I don't know what it is...but this is the year for parents and rude emails. In my six years of teaching, I have had the occasional "unhappy" parent, but this year tops the cake. I have had five parents who consistently email me and complain about things that I do. Thank goodness the other sixteen are very supportive and nice.

My team is baking cookies for the office staff. Tomorrow we all have to bring in 2 dozen cookies and then we are making a platter for the office staff for the holiday. My first thought was to buy cookies, just because it was easier and faster. But then I remembered how much fun I used to have baking holiday cookies with my mom when I was a kid, so I decided to bake them. I need to learn now so I can bake with Emma :) Here are my sugar cookies with homemade icing (it's ok if they look like an eight year old made them, they are yummy!).

I'm sure that tomorrow will be a much better day. Only three more days until our winter break (and my birthday!).

1 comment:

  1. Sorry to hear you had a bad day... that's terrible about the parents! Anyway, even if you don't feel like your normal self I'm sure you look great to everyone else! Embrace your pregnant self :)

    p.s. those cookies look very yummy... now I need to go find something sweet to eat


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