Saturday, September 18, 2010

Emma is SIX months old...half a year!!

I can't believe she is already 6 months old! Where has the time gone?!? She is changing so much each and every day! We started solids the week before she turned 6 months. My parents were in town, so I wanted to have a veteran mom around :) Emma made the funniest faces. She wasn't a big fan. We also tried sweet potato, which she didn't really enjoy either. I am sure she was wondering what we were trying to put in her mouth, haha. Since then, I have tried bananas and apples. She has eaten both, but not really too interested.
She is now sitting. She can't sit up alone, but if I put her in a sitting position she can stay like that for a long time. She is a crazy crawler. She crawls where ever she wants to go. I put under her Baby Einstein play mat today and she managed to roll all the way over to her tummy time mat, which was across the playroom. It's so cute! She can grab everything. I have to be careful what I have in my hands when holding her. She still hasn't cut a tooth. I could swear she's been teething for a while now, but no sign of teeth.
She is really so fun now. She is talking like crazy, laughing all the time, and really smiling at us. She loves to be on her legs. She tries to jump and can even hold her weight on her legs. She loves her Baby Einstein stand up jumper that grandma and grandpa bought her. She also loves her doorway jumper.
She did so good with her shots. She barely even cried this time around. She is 18 pounds, 2 ounces (85%). She is 26 3/4 inches (also 85%). She is starting to slow down on the growth scale, and I'm sure that will continue now that she is becoming more and more active. She wishes she could crawl, but still can't completely lift herself off the ground. She can either lift her butt or her chest, but not both at the same time.
We LOVE her new daycare. Everyone who works there is so nice and they love Emma. I can log on and see her from work and she is always playing, or being read to, or working on mastering her new milestone. I think they really helped with her sitting up. There is another little girl there that is her same age and they are usually both sitting on the floor together playing with toys. It's so cute!

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