I know every month I say how quickly time is passing, but seriously it's crazy that Emma is already ten months old. In two months, she'll be ONE?!? She is crawling around everywhere. She realized this month that she can leave the room, and finds it fun to crawl out the door of the room we are in. She is pulling up on EVERY thing! She isn't cruising or moving her feet, but she stands very well. She is clapping, waving, and making kissing noises (that is her new favorite thing to do). We are trying to get her to blow the kisses, but right now she just looks at you and makes the kiss sound (it's adorable). She is starting to associate people with names. She has been saying "ma-ma" since about five months, but I think she now really knows what it means. She says "da" for Tom, "r" for Riley, and "ba" for baby and bath. Just recently she started saying "Em-ma". She makes a lot of other noises. She says the "ca" sound a bunch. She is laughing and talking all the time. She has started high-fiving us too. She is still not a big fan of finger foods, but we are trying. She just started sleeping great again in her crib--thank goodness!! It took a long time for her to get back into sleeping in her crib after sleeping in her bouncy chair for a few weeks with RSV. Today she even slept until 7:30 (I think it's a record). We are loving the stage she's at now. She can understand things and she is so smart. It's so fun to play with her.
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