Wednesday, October 28, 2009

New Emma Pictures--20 weeks

Today Tom and I went in for our 20 week ultra-sound. It was amazing! They check the entire anatomy of the baby. They started with her head and measured it and looked at all parts of her brain. Then they look at the baby's heart and check all four chambers of the heart and which way the blood is flowing through the arteries. Then they count to make sure she has 10 fingers and 10 toes, which she did. They also check the bones in the legs and arms. It was honestly the coolest thing ever! They looked at her spine, stomach, and belly size. Everything was measuring perfectly! Her heartbeat was 137. I thought it was neat that they could check the amount of amniotic fluid she is in. The last thing they checked was the blood in the umbilical cord to make sure enough was flowing through. On Friday, I go back to see the doctor for my 5 month check-up. Here are some pictures of Emma:

Yes that is her foot next to her nose :)

She is sitting "Criss-cross" here. I guess she heard me say it enough at school. (haha)

Saturday, October 24, 2009

And I thought it popped out last week...

I thought the my belly popped out last time I took pictures (two weeks ago). However, I think this week it REALLY popped. I will be 20 weeks on Tuesday, which is half way through the pregnancy. Here is a picture of my ever-growing belly:

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Update Baby's Room #2

We decided to do more work in the nursery today. We have so much fun doing it :) We added the valance and then decided we needed curtains to block out the sunlight. We went to Bed, Bath, and Beyond and found these curtains on clearance for 9.99. They are striped dark purple, lilac, and green. They really bring all the nursery colors together. We bought the "Chloe" letters online to hang above the crib. Of course, they will spell out Emma not Chloe (that is just the example). We put together the dresser and added the wall art above it. We also added the lamp to the dresser. Lastly, we added a mirror from IKEA (9.99) behind the changing table. My friend said that her son loves looking in the mirror while being changed, so we tried it. The nursery looks so good. We can't wait for her to get here (too bad we have 20 more weeks, haha). We still have to buy a glider and re-do the closet so it is better organized for little baby clothes.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Update Baby's Room

We've started putting together the baby's nursery. We still have to put together the dresser. It's in the box right now. Also, we need to buy a glider. We added some of the wall decals that match our bedding to decorate the fan. We love this fan. We found it at Lowes but it was $99, so we didn't want to buy it. A few weeks ago, we went back and it was on clearance for $39. It has flowers on each of the blades. So cool!

(You can double-click any picture to make it bigger)

The mobile, window valance, and lamp that match our bedding.

The Wall Pictures that match our bedding and the actual bedding.

Our changing table. We bought a plush lilac cover at Babies R Us. I love that it has a hamper and baskets for diapers, etc.

Our Crib

I LOVE this bookshelf. I found it online at and they personalized it for free. It has flowers and butterflies too. So perfect!!

I've already started buying her books. The Kindergarten teachers at my school are awesome and have been letting me buy books from their Scholastic Book Orders. You can get such great books for a good price. The toy frog toys are from my mom for the baby :). We hope to add many more books, toys, and some stuffed animals to the bookshelf.
Stay tuned for more to come... :)

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Emma at 18 weeks

(Double click to make bigger) Sorry that's I scanned it sideways :)

Today I went in for a brief appointment to check the length of my cervix. Something that I have to do every 2 weeks from 12 weeks to 22 weeks. The neat thing about it is I get to see the baby more than most pregnant women. Years ago I had some pre-cancerous cells removed from my cervix, so they just want to make sure that it's growing with the baby. So far, everything looks great! The baby's heartbeat was nice and strong and my cervix was measuring exactly where it should be. I am not supposed to get pictures when I go, but the sonogram tech is really cool and gave me one. Tom and I go back in two weeks for my five month appointment and my 20 weeks ultrasound. The 20 week ultrasound is the biggest one. They measure every little part of the baby and we get to see a lot of her. So look out for those pictures in two weeks :)

Saturday, October 10, 2009

The Week My Belly Popped Out--almost 18 weeks!

I think my belly really popped out this week. Here are some pictures: (I am almost 18 weeks)

look at my little guy in the background... :)

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Baby's Room/Bathroom

Today we painted the baby's room. We found a color called "Lazy Lilac" which was perfect. It matches the bedding, "Carter's Garden Party Collection." We bought the bedding and all of the accessories at Burlington Coat Factory because they were on clearance. We also found a white fan with flowers on the blades. It was normally $99, but we got it for $36. We have already bought the crib, dresser, and changing table. I think so far we are doing a good job of completing the nursery. I wanted to get it done while I have energy and before I'm too big :).

This summer we changed our Jack and Jill bathroom to a froggy theme. My classroom at school has a frog theme, and I've always liked the frog look. When we lived in Orlando, we bought froggy bathroom stuff at World Market on clearance. We just had it in boxes for the last few years, so this summer I set it up. Before we found out we were expecting.

Here are some pictures of the baby's painted room and the bathroom.