Sunday, October 18, 2009

Update Baby's Room #2

We decided to do more work in the nursery today. We have so much fun doing it :) We added the valance and then decided we needed curtains to block out the sunlight. We went to Bed, Bath, and Beyond and found these curtains on clearance for 9.99. They are striped dark purple, lilac, and green. They really bring all the nursery colors together. We bought the "Chloe" letters online to hang above the crib. Of course, they will spell out Emma not Chloe (that is just the example). We put together the dresser and added the wall art above it. We also added the lamp to the dresser. Lastly, we added a mirror from IKEA (9.99) behind the changing table. My friend said that her son loves looking in the mirror while being changed, so we tried it. The nursery looks so good. We can't wait for her to get here (too bad we have 20 more weeks, haha). We still have to buy a glider and re-do the closet so it is better organized for little baby clothes.

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