Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Emma at 18 weeks

(Double click to make bigger) Sorry that's I scanned it sideways :)

Today I went in for a brief appointment to check the length of my cervix. Something that I have to do every 2 weeks from 12 weeks to 22 weeks. The neat thing about it is I get to see the baby more than most pregnant women. Years ago I had some pre-cancerous cells removed from my cervix, so they just want to make sure that it's growing with the baby. So far, everything looks great! The baby's heartbeat was nice and strong and my cervix was measuring exactly where it should be. I am not supposed to get pictures when I go, but the sonogram tech is really cool and gave me one. Tom and I go back in two weeks for my five month appointment and my 20 weeks ultrasound. The 20 week ultrasound is the biggest one. They measure every little part of the baby and we get to see a lot of her. So look out for those pictures in two weeks :)

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