Saturday, February 12, 2011

Big Girl Transition...

I can't even believe that in ONE month Emma will be one. Craziness! On Monday she turns 11 months and will start the transition to the one year old room at daycare. This means that she will no longer be eating baby food or taking naps on her own schedule. She will be eating breakfast and lunch from the school cafeteria and snacks provided by daycare. She will nap from 12-2 (hopefully), and only take one nap a day. She must wear shoes (which she has been doing for a month now since she is push walking). She will drink water, juice, and milk from a sippy cup (which she has been doing for months at home) instead of any bottles. This will be her new schedule:
7:30 Breakfast and sippy cup of milk
8:45 Morning snack and sippy cup of juice
11:00 Lunch and sippy cup of milk
12-2 Nap time
2:45 Afternoon snack and sippy cup of water

She won't actually start going to the one year old room. She will just start adapting and trying the new schedule. I think once she does move rooms, it will make nap time easier. She doesn't nap well at daycare now because the lights are always on and kids are playing (since everyone is on their own schedule). In the one year old room, they turn the lights off and play music and everyone naps. The only thing that will be an adjustment is they nap on cots on the floor. I don't know how she won't just crawl away, lol.

We've been doing finger foods now for a little over a month. We are so paranoid that we give her tiny little pieces. She has only had soft foods like: cheese, turkey, banana, sweet potato, and puffs. I'm a little nervous about her eating real meals, but also like that they sit with her one on one and make sure it is cut up small. That way when she gets to the one year old room, she'll be ready!

Emma has pretty much weaned herself from bottles at daycare. She will take 1 oz and then go play. She is still eating at home 4 times a day, which is what is recommended until age on, so it's not really a big deal. When she turns one, we'll slowly try to wean her off nursing. Bedtime will be the last to go, and I'm not sure how that will go...

We'll see how it goes on Monday...

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