Sunday, February 20, 2011

Emma is ELEVEN months!! :)

Sorry this post is a week late. It's been a crazy week with report cards, family in town, party planning (Tom and Em's), and much more! Emma turned eleven months old on Valentine's Day! I honestly can't believe in a month, she'll be a year old! I know I say this every month, but man...time has flown by!

She is so much fun these days. She is always laughing, smiling, and talking. She is pulling up and walking holding on to things. She hasn't let go yet, but she is so sturdy I think she'd be able to balance herself just fine. She is crazy fast crawler. Her newest thing is to dive into your lap and she just laughs forever. She is getting so smart! I love just watching her play and explore.

She got her first boo-boo at home and at daycare. I guess there will be many more. She started her one-year old schedule at daycare. She is doing good with the waiting until noon to nap, but still going slow with finger foods. Last week for breakfast she had pancakes, waffles, english muffin, and lucky charms. She got to try cheeseburger maccoroni, shephard's pie, spaghetti, beanie weanies, and grilled cheese for lunch.

We can't wait until her first birthday party, and Tom and I both took her real birthday off work so we can have a family day.

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